Tag Food Storage

Food stored for everyday use and for emergencies.

Woman reading a recipe at a kitchen counter full of fruits and vegetables


I enjoy reading books by Michael Pollan. While I don’t agree with everything he writes (such as the inadvisability of doing home canning) I do agree with much of what he concludes and writes. He also has an underlying wit…

Image of Clostridium Botulinum

Preventing Botulism Poisoning

An unfortunate case of botulism poisoning occurred in Ohio in April 2015. Twenty-five confirmed cases resulted in 1 death and 12 people still in the hospital one week later. The health department traced it to potato salad, made with water-bath…

Food production by fruit trees, canning, dehydrating, gardening

Food Availability During Non-food Rationing

The Smithsonian book American Table has a section on how history affected what we ate and now eat. In the article on “Women in World War II” it says: “Rationing of nonfood items also had an effect on the types…

Pluma on tree branch

Rethinking Your Food Sources

“Prince Valiant” in the comic section of the newspaper featured a story last year (2023) that takes place in old Wales. A despot rose to power and caused a war which forced the people into famine. The warfare caused barren…