Sterilized Water

Sterilize canning jars of water for wound care, eye washes, and mixing fluid replacement solutions for infants and young children.

  1. Wash pint or quart canning jars with soap and hot water or wash in the dishwasher.
  2. Fill jars with clean tap water leaving 1/2-inch headspace.
  3. Process in a pressure canner at the pressure recommended for your altitude.  Process for 20 minutes.  Jars of water can be included in a canner of food and processed for the time recommended for the food if it is at least 20 minutes.
  4. When jars are cool, remove rings and allow the jars and rings to completely dry.
  5. Put rings back on the jars before storing to ensure they stay sealed.
  6. Store away from light with first aid supplies.

Jars of sterilized water that were canned with crowder peas

Jars of sterilized water