When Mom’s Gone

PURPOSE: To provide information for the family or babysitter to keep the household running as smoothly as possible when Mom’s gone.

1″ binder or larger
plastic sheet protectors (if desired)
plastic strips for putting magazines or booklets in binders (if desired)

Include instructions for preparing foods that may not have a printed recipe on the package/container or in a cookbook e.g., rice, oatmeal, etc.

Include general laundry rules for sorting, washing, drying, and ironing. Some items may need specific instructions. If you have operating instructions for the washer and dryer, include them.

Include a cleaning schedule if you use one. List the children’s normal chores. Other things to include: how much cleaner to use in mop water, how much water to give plants, garbage pick-up days, what temperatures to keep the air conditioner and furnace set at.

List names, phone numbers, and addresses of doctors and dentists. Include the preferred urgent care clinic or emergency room. Include a medical care release form for a regular babysitter.

List names and phone numbers of all service and repair people normally used. Suggestions: air conditioning/heating; electrician; plumber; cosmetic representative; hair salon; maid service; lawn care; tree care; pest control; piano tuner; instrument shop; roofer; spa/pool man; upholsterer; wallpaper hanger; brick layer; tile man; appliance repair.

Include operating instruction manuals for appliances.

As you use it, you will discover what you need to have or add. Individualize it for your family.