Minimizing Wastewater

In August 2017, flood waters from Hurricane Harvey inundated two wastewater treatment plants that serviced 8 ZIP codes in Houston, Texas. For over two weeks, residents waited while 8 feet of water drained and the treatment plants could become operational. In the meantime, they were asked to minimize the wastewater leaving their homes. That meant minimizing water going down drains in sinks, showers, and bathtubs. It meant flushing toilets less and using washing machines and dishwashers less.

Ways to minimize wastewater include:

  • Use paper plates, bowls, and cups.
  • Use paper towels and disposable dish cloths.
  • Use disposable cutlery.
  • Compost instead of running the garbage disposal.
  • Scrape or wipe dishes with paper towels instead of rinsing before washing.
  • Instead of pouring vegetable liquids down the drain, use them to cook rice or pasta, to make soups instead of using broth, or to reconstitute condensed soups.
  • Instead of pouring fruit juices and syrups from canned fruit down the drain, use them in pancake batter, oatmeal, gelatin, and desserts.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables in a basin of water and use the water to water plants or flush toilets.
  • Avoid heavy frying of foods to avoid having to use extra water and soap to clean pans, utensils, and counters.
  • Prepare one-dish meals to minimize the number of utensils and cookware that are used.
  • Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running water until it is cold enough to drink.
  • Heat water instead of running water until it comes out of the faucet hot enough to use.
  • Do not run the dishwasher unless it is completely full, if at all.
  • Use a minimum amount of soap to wash dishes so less rinse water is needed.
  • Wash less laundry.
  • Take short showers instead of taking baths and use a minimum amount of soap so less rinsing is needed. Or run shower water only when rinsing off soap.
  • Catch running water before it heats up for showers and use it to water plants or flush toilets.
  • Flush toilets less.
  • Use dry shampoo every other shampooing.
  • Don’t leave water running while brushing teeth, washing hands, shaving, or cleaning sinks and bathtubs.
  • Clean with anti-bacterial wipes.
  • Use hand sanitizer or hand wipes.
  • Use pre-moistened washcloths.
  • Repair leaky faucets, toilets, and shower heads.

NOTE: If you do not normally use paper goods or plastic cutlery, purchase a supply for emergency use and store them in a plastic tote in the attic or a storage closet.