Cleaning a Swimming Pool After a Flood

Some preliminary cleaning can be done on a flooded swimming pool but consult a pool professional in your area for a complete list of things to do to clean and disinfect your pool.

  • Remove all solid debris from the pool.
  • After the equipment has had time to dry out, check the filter and pump to make sure they are still working.
  • If the pool has been contaminated by sewage, the pool will need to be disinfected.
  • Contact a local pool professional for advice and instructions that meet local requirements.

Be cautious when draining a swimming pool after a flood. Pools should not be drained until the ground around the pool has dried to at least the depth of the pool. A change in hydrostatic pressure can cause a pool, either concrete or fiberglass, to “pop” out of the ground.

Reference: (inactive site)

Caring for Your Yard After a Flood

Lawns and deep-rooted plants and trees will be benefitted by flooding unless it is saltwater flooding or one inch, or more, of mud is on the lawn. Saltwater should be hosed off the lawn and shrubs.

Raise potted plants on bricks to allow them to drain well. Keep them out of bright sun until they recover from flood shock.

Flooded growing vegetables (both above and below ground) must be discarded. New vegetables that form and grow on surviving plants are safe to eat. It takes about one month for gardens to become clean.

Drain standing water and dump containers full of water to prevent mosquitos from breeding.

Wait until the soil dries out before replanting seeds and seedlings.

Contact your local nursery, garden center, or Cooperative Extension Service for more information.